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An interview with … yourself?

Imagine you have a magic window …
… and when you look into it, you can see yourself on the other side on Dec. 31, 2021.
Who is looking back at you through the window?
Well, that’s up to YOU to decide.
What do you want to accomplish?
How do you want to FEEL?
Who do you want to BECOME!?
BEGINNING WITH THE END IN MIND is a powerful way to determine your path for your future “you.”
To become that person you want to be 12 months from now …
what needs to happen between now and December 31st to get there?
Rather than piecing together a bunch of tasks or habits … hoping they stick … and crossing your fingers that they’ll give you the results you want …
What if you REVERSE ENGINEERED your goal?
Look at where you WANT to be and determine exactly what it will take to get there.
Here’s an example of how to reverse engineer your goal: Picture yourself energetic, confident, strong, and feeling great on your skis…
Think: What has to change in your life to bring that vision to life?
What one or two things would have the biggest impact on your success? Those are the things to focus on FIRST.
Take some time and define your vision for YOUR future … and all of the opportunity and possibility it holds for you.
It really is all up to you:
#1: Do you want another year to go by feeling stuck and stagnant, and end up setting the exact same goals again next January?
#2. Or do you want to make 2021 YOUR YEAR and take control of your life and goals and decide that NOW is the time to make it happen?
If you chose #2, congratulations! I’m excited for you. Because DECIDING is the first step … and it’s a big one.
Then, it’s time to put those 1-2 new “things” that’ll impact your success the most into ACTION!
Like Dr. Seuss said, “Only you can control your future.”
Committed to your Success,



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