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Athlete Spotlight – Monica Evers-Harvey

What made you decide to try CrossFit? 

I did crossfit 3 years ago for 6 months but I was not in the right head-space so I quit. Then, last winter, my cousin who is a CF junkie re-initiated me. I had forgotten how much fun it was and promised her to join as soon as I would get home.


What improvements have you made in the past year that you are most proud of?  

I would say that I feel stronger overall. I have more endurance. But finally linking those double-unders made me feel pretty damn good.


If you could give yourself one piece of advice when you started CrossFit, what would it be?

To take it one work out at a time. Even if you don’t see or feel the results right away keep going because you are stronger today than you were yesterday.


What are your favorite words to live by/quote?

“Why do it the easy way when you can do it the hard way.” Quote by J.K. an old boss of mine.


How has CrossFit changed your life/lifestyle?

It has helped me to make better life choices.


Tell us about any other activities you love to do outside of the gym.

I like to eat, cook, drink wine, run, go to concerts and sleep in.


If you created a WOD named after you what movements would it consist of? 

 It would be something that people hate but can’t help loving in the end. I have a hate/love relationship with thrusters, T2B and the assault bike so in that order… 25, 20 and 15 cal for 5 rounds.


What is one of your goals for your next year of CrossFit?

2020 is the year I make strict pull ups my bitch.


What motivates you during a WOD?

When coach Ryan greets me with a smile and says “Monica! You’re gonna love today’s workout.. it’s a grinder!” or when he switches my 16lbs medicine ball for a 20lbs one mid workout”. Also, coach Reece’s strictness.


Anything you would like to add?

The past year has been really eventful and CrossFit has helped me to stay somewhat sane. It has kept me physically but mostly mentally strong. I love all the coaches and BVCF is the best gym.


Monica, you are one of the hardest working athletes we know. You never leave a WOD unfinished and always give 110%. Your results this year are because of sheer hard work and determination and we could not be more proud of you. Your 115lb Clean and Jerk in The Open was definitely a highlight! Keep being awesome lady.


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